Bonfire 2023
A summary
The Wilmslow Round Table Bonfire 2023 was a went one! That didn't stop the people of WIlmslow coming out to enjoy the Barbie and Orchestral 90s House themed spectacles!
The Local Hero Awards were handed out once again to some very deserving individuals who help make Wilmslow a fantastic place to live.
Once again congrats to:
Ian Ross (District Scouts)
NAAFI Break Cafe
The night was hosted by DJ Darren Proctor whilst entertainment throughout the night was provided by:
As a result the following groups directly benefitted from the proceeds of the bonfire:
Gorsey Bank Primary
1st Wilmslow Scouts
Wilmslow Youth
Wilmslow Guild
Dean Row Girl Guides
Wilmslow Rotary
Wilmslow Shooting Club
Wilmslow Tangent
1st Lindow Scouts
Wilmslow Ukraine Cafe
Culshaw Tenants
Styal Primary School
Wilmslow 41 Club
Wilmslow Rugby Club
All in all the bonfire would not have been a success without the help of 50 volunteers who gave up there time to do all the odd jobs from scanning the attendees in to picking up the rubbish to assembling the bonfire.
We would not have been able to do it without you!
If you'd like to get involved next time please get in contact with us!